Tuesday, October 23, 2007

30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night was pretty much the first scary vampire movie I ever saw--and probably the only one that didn't either try to make them sexy, or turn into an action movie. Unfortunately, it suffered from way too much Josh Hartnett, who is totally unbelievable as a hero of anything. Everything that comes out of his mouth sounds dull. While the movie looks cool--the vampires are badass, and there were several awesome sequences (especially when one of them jumps on top of the car, and it's all silvery and black and flickery, and an aerial shot that pans over the whole town as the vampires wreak havoc), the awesome parts didn't add up to an awesome movie. It remained entertaining throughout, but I don't know that it will stick with me--by the end, I didn't know any of the characters names or care. It fails to make the emotional connection of the similar, but far superior, 28 Days Later.


Blake said...

Hmmm good review, I was going to see this in the theater but I think I will wait now :)

Chemical Robotiks said...

I'm with you on that one. 30 days of night was one of the most boring horror movies I've ever seen. Josh Hartnett is like a robot, the vampires look like wanker euro-trash, and nothing really happens. vampires come, they hide for two hours and then Hartnett rips shit up and the vampires leave. If you fall asleep in this movie don't bother renting it to see the ending, its not worth it.

Volatile said...

Nice review.

I agree, the movie was good, but hardly a classic. Good concept and at least redeems the vampire movie "genre".

Anonymous said...

I also saw this movie (with my boyfriend) and I wasn't that impressed. I agree with you on the cool parts and about how they didn't add up to awesome.
I think the most enjoyable part of the movie was the super funny accidently offensive sign above the theater door.
Thats me with the popcorn, laughing at the hilarity. Not because I'm racist, but because it's funny.

Richard McLaughlin said...

good to have an honest review. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It was an ok movie. didnt scare me much. i thought that the exorsism of emily rose was scary!! whoa!! lol

Film Scholar said...

How could they make such a boring horror movie? I think it could have been better, but they dropped the ball. I'm looking forward the Vampierish creatures in I Am Legend.

Anonymous said...

The previews looked good. That's disappointing to hear.

Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to this movie and 'I am Legend' since they deal with vampires but sadly the leading men helming both flicks are getting too annoying for words, I boycott them on principle.

Amy said...

I just saw this today and I was totally disappointed with it. I expected to be at least slightly scared, and I was more bored than scared. I don't think I jumped once. I don't mind Josh Hartnett but the character was a bit odd, he got upset waaaay too easily. And the idea of the vampires talking in another language didn't wash well with me.

Jeb said...

Two words: Near Dark.

Stacy said...

oh man i was really looking forward to it :(

Paidion said...

There was so much from the original graphic novelthat would have made this movie more interesting. Like the male and female lead were actually Inuit's and very much in love. Her death fuels his rampage at the end. Also the graphic novel gave more of aglimpse at the world wide vampire culture of which this group was a splinter of. I did lovehow they made the vampires much more feral than we are used to though.
Very good reviews. I like your blog:)


Flixking said...

I was going to see this and probably still will, with your comments in mind.Like your blog..will keep reading.

Mitch said...

Yep, 28 Days Later has a much better "spooky" factor.

Celebrity Gossip Girl said...

I agree with you as well i did not like they way they scripted this movie, and i think you have a good review of the movie here for those people who have still not seen it, don't waste your money!